AGM Reminder & Deadline
Reminder that all 3 AGMs will be held virtually (via Zoom) this coming weekend.
- OQHA AGM: 10am Saturday February 4th
- OAQHA (Amateur) AGM: 9am Sunday February 5th
- OQHYA (Youth) AGM: 7pm Sunday February 5th
Please be sure to purchase your membership by 12pm Friday February 3rd. The Zoom links and Report Packages will be sent to all members Friday afternoon/evening.
If you have any questions about the OQHA AGM, please reach out to OQHA President Shari Irwin at shari_irwin@hotmail.com
If you have any questions about the Youth or Amateur AGMs, please reach out to OAQHA President & Youth Advisor Mallory McKewen at oqhamallory@gmail.com