Register now to have your scores tracked throughout the season.
This will be a qualifying event whereby the Top 10 Open Trail Horses and Top 10 Non-Pro Horse & Rider Teams will be invited to compete in the Finals at the OQHA Summer Finale.
Significant cash and product prizes are up for grabs, so this is sure to be an event that you won't want to miss!
How does it work?
The 2024 Qualifying Events are:
- May 9-12: Area 2 Spring Kick Off, Ancaster ON
- May 30-June 1: Area 1 Summer Circuit, Ilderton ON
- June 29-July 2: Area 3 Summerama, Barrie ON
- August 1-4: EOQHA Summer Sizzler, Carp ON
The entry fee to participate is $30.00 per class per exhibitor. Double your chances by entering into more classes!
Note that you must be entered in advance to have your scores tracked toward qualifying. There is no set entry deadline, but we won't begin tracking your scores until you've registered!
What makes the Trail Invitational special?
- The added purse! Each of the Pro and Non-Pro categories have $1,000 added! $15.00 from each entry will then go towards the purse to bring that purse, up and UP and UP!
- The course will be dressed up with shrubs and flowers to make this different from the patterns we see all year, this effort is to aid in prep for the fall majors!
A few more details...
- The scores will be based on the averages of the above qualifying events. You don't need to attend all qualifying events, but your best 4 shows (average of the judges on the day) will be used in the tabulations.
- You must pay to play, once the entry fee is received then your scores will be tracked. Register now!
- You must be an OQHA member in good standing to be invited to the Invitational. Be sure to purchase that membership here.